Vanavasi Kalyana

Birth of Vanavasi Kalyanaashram
At the time of independence, there were critical situations in many provinces of India. In the central province – present Madhya Pradesh, Chief Minister Sri Ravi Shankar Shukla experienced anti-national activities during his tour to tribal areas. Disturbed by these, the government then instituted Niyogi Commission to look in to the various issues connected with the tribals. Under the aegis of late Sri Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, Chief Minister Sri Ravi Shankar Shukla, and Sri Thakkar Bapa, the renowned Gandhian and pioneer of Tribal Welfare, devised an action plan for the welfare of tribals. Sri Thakkar Bapa’s choice fell on one young freedom fighter and advocate of Nagpur – Sri Ramakant Keshav Deshpande.
- After the death of Sri Thakkar Bapa in 1950, Sri Deshpande resigned from the government service and returned to Nagpur to resume his legal practice. Inspired by Sri Golwalkar, he moved to Jashpur and dedicated his life for Vanavasis.
- In December 1952, he started a hostel with few tribal boys in a dilapidated building of the Raja Vijayabhushana Singh. He donated a major portion of the amount he received from the government as “Rajhdhan” to Vanavasi Kalyanaashram. The tiny sapling grew into a mighty Banyan tree – Akhil Bharatiya Vanavasi Kalyanaashram – now the biggest voluntary organization in the world which is in the service of Vanavasis (tribals) in the country
About Vanavasi Kalyana, Karnataka (VKK)
- Voluntary organization, established in 1989
- Focusing on development and nurturing of tribals across Karnataka.
- Our mission is “Reaching the Unreached”
- Explore the potential capabilities of tribals and help them with national mainstream
Objectives of VKK
- Ensure tribals are inseparable and invaluable part of our society
- Empower tribals through education, healthcare and economic development
- Create social awareness in the non-tribal society about the needs of the tribal society
- Enable tribals to play a major role in the environment protection, national integration and nation building
- Provide a platform for the development of their inherent potential power in sports.
- Develop community leadership among their various groups.
- Bring about an overall development in the lives of Vanavasis while retaining their cultural identity and social value systems.